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My Ride K-12 APP - you can use the mobile version of My Ride K-12 to see your child’s information. Download the app on the Google Play Store: Download it on the Apple App store:
My Ride K-12 WEBSITE - to access bus route information online, click here:
To access route information in the My Ride K-12 app or online, you’ll need your student’s ID number - this is the same number as their lunch code. You will enter their birthdate in the following format - M/D/YYYY - and the number representing the grade they are entering. Kindergarten is entered as KG.
Bus Information is Available Today
Posted on: August 7, 2024

Warrior Families - transportation route information is available today. Your student’s bus pick up and drop off times can be found in the My Ride K-12 app or online.

To access route information in the My Ride K-12 app or online, you’ll need your student’s ID number - this is the same number as their lunch code. You will enter their birthdate in the following format - M/D/YYYY - and the number representing the grade they are entering. Kindergarten is entered as KG.
Click here for more information about how to sign up for and use My Ride K-12: