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Elevation of Two Directors to Assistant Superintendents

Posted on: July 30, 2024
assistant superintendents headshots

The Board of Education approved the elevation of two directors - Brian Dalton, HR Director, and Mark Graler, Curriculum Director - each to Assistant Superintendent positions. These assistant superintendent positions are new, although we are not adding staff. Brian and Mark will keep their duties as Directors, but will take on additional duties as Assistant Superintendents. All other directors will continue to operate in their areas of leadership in the same way they are currently functioning.  

It is not uncommon for districts to have assistant superintendent positions, in fact, we are one of two districts in Warren County to not have them, and almost all districts of comparable size to ours in the region have these positions. 

Creating the role of an Assistant Superintendent is a strategic move for our school district to allow the Superintendent, Isaac Seevers, to focus on tasks that are unique to the role. By elevating from within the current Director positions, we can achieve this greater capacity without increasing the number of administrators in the district. This decision, along with other administrative restructuring, was done without increasing cost to the district.

Adjusting current positions to include these two Assistant Superintendent positions will help the district streamline operations, improve leadership effectiveness, and position the district for long-term success. This realignment of leadership positions will be beneficial for several reasons:

  • Focus on Strategic Initiatives: By delegating day-to-day operation and responsibilities to the Assistant Superintendents, the Superintendent can dedicate more time to strategic planning, community engagement, board leadership, and other tasks that can only be completed by the Superintendent. 

  • Empowerment and Development: The Assistant Superintendents will be empowered to make decisions that were previously reserved for the Superintendent. This layer of leadership will allow decisions to be made more effectively and efficiently, reducing the number of meetings necessary to implement change. 

  • Increased Collaboration and Support: With Assistant Superintendents in place, the Superintendent can collaborate more effectively with other district leaders, staff, and stakeholders, fostering a more cohesive and supportive working environment.

“Over the past three years, I have been fortunate to work alongside Mark and Brian to establish and implement initiatives that advance the mission of our district and ensure every student receives the highest quality education possible," said Superintendent Isaac Seevers. “Throughout their long tenure with the district, both administrators have consistently demonstrated a commitment to the growth of our students and district, and their leadership has been instrumental in our success as a district. These new roles provide me the opportunity to focus my attention on strategic initiatives. I am confident Mark and Brian will be able to capitalize on their experience in the district and expertise in the field to help us accomplish so much more as a district.”