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Our menus comply with the USDA Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) In 2010, Congress passed the HHFKA to ensure that all children in America have access to healthy, balanced meals, providing the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults. New regulations were effective beginning in 2012, require cafeterias to offer more fruit, vegetables and whole grains and limit sodium, calories and unhealthy fat in every school meal. Our menus exceed these USDA standards for nutritional content.

Key changes to school menus:

  • Menu planning is required for three grade groups: K-5, 6-8 and 9-12.
  • Portion sizes and recipes must be designed to meet the specific group.
  • There are calorie minimum and maximum levels and limits as to how much meat/meat alternate (cheese, yogurt, etc.) and grains can offer in a week.
  • We must stay within specified ranges for each grade group, which means some main entrees may not be as large as before.
  • More fruits and vegetables will be available, including a vegetable salad bar in each school every day.
  • All students may continue to take two ½ cup servings of vegetables and  two ½ cup servings of fruit.
  • Students must select at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable component for their trays
  • No trans fats are allowed, and there are continued limits on saturated fat.
  • We add no butter to our vegetables, use only low-fat cheeses and lean proteins, and oven bake instead of frying all items.
  • All flavored milk will continue to be reduced sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, and fat free.