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Health Services

The Lebanon City Schools Health Services staff welcomes you and your family to our district. We look forward to caring for your child’s health needs at school this year.  Below are the names and building assignments of our staff as well as our phone numbers.  Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.  Our goal is to promote the overall health and wellness of your child in order to enhance his/her ability to learn.

Elizabeth Cain     Clinic Nurse     Lebanon High School
Contact:   (513) 934-5115
Laura Fabik   Clinic Nurse     Lebanon High School
Contact:   (513) 228-4015
Tanya Evans   School Nurse   Berry Intermediate School
  (513) 934-5707
Jessica Callahan   Clinic Nurse    Lebanon Junior High School
Contact:   (513) 934-5309
Ashley Schlereth   Clinic Nurse    Donovan Intermediate School
Contact:   (513)934-5406
Greta Strange   Clinic Nurse   Bowman Primary School
Contact:   (513) 934-5855
Kelly George     Clinic Nurse   Bowman Primary School
Contact:   (513) 934-5486 

Student Medical Issues

If your child has a serious medical issue, please contact us before the school year begins.  Please realize that the health information which you record on school forms may not reach us immediately thus it is very important that you contact us by phone.  It is our goal to provide a safe learning environment and be prepared to care for your child on the first day he/she attends school. With your permission, we will make a medical plan for your child that will be distributed to pertinent school personnel. It is important that staff members be informed on how to care for your child at school. If your child will require a medical procedure or medication, a form will need to be obtained from the school and then completed by you and your physician. Staff members will also need to be trained on how to administer the medication or procedure. It is imperative that you notify us of serious health issues as soon as possible to allow time to obtain the appropriate forms from your physician and to train our staff to care for your child.

Immunization Requirements 

Ohio Law requires that students meet certain immunization requirements to attend school. A complete immunization record or proof of being “in process” of obtaining the required shots at appropriate time intervals must be on file within 14 days of school entry. Students not meeting these requirements will be excluded from school 14 days after school entry per Ohio State Law.   Preschool students may attend school for a period of 30 days pending the completion of these requirements. It is our goal to avoid excluding your child from school. Please review the required school immunizations contact your child's school nurse if you have any questions.

Please contact your family physician or the Warren County Health Department at 513-695-1468 to arrange for your child to receive the required immunizations.

If your child cannot receive these vaccinations due to medical reasons, religious convictions or reasons of conscience, please contact the school nurse at  your child's building. Per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy, a student may be exempted from immunization if a parent or guardian objects for good cause, including religious conviction, or if there is a medical condition that prohibits immunization. 

Turning in proof of vaccinations: proof of vaccinations can be dropped off at our school buildings, mailed, or you may scan and email to the school nurse - see their contact information at the top of this page.


If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including over-the-counter medications, an administration of medication form must be completed by you and your physician.  Please see the administration of medication form (Forma de Ddministracion de Medicamentos) for a detailed explanation of our school medication policy. 

Lebanon is happy to announce a new Over-The-Counter (OTC) medication policy for students in Grades 9-12. This OTC medication policy ONLY applies to students in grades 9-12. Eighth-grade students participating in the Washington D.C. trip should continue using the forms included in their field trip packet or see Kathy Vaughn for additional questions. 
We understand the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all our students, and we believe this policy update will contribute to achieving that goal. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our school nurses, Elizabeth Cain or Laura Fabik, or our administration. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to prioritize the well-being of our students.

Here are the key details of the new policy:
  1. Medication Authorization Form: All students in Grades 9-12 who require OTC medication during school hours must have their parent/guardian complete and submit the Medication Authorization Form. This form can be obtained from the school's nurse's office or downloaded here.
  2. Parent/Guardian Consent: Parents or guardians must provide written consent on the Medication Authorization Form. Please note that students who do not have this consent will not be allowed to take OTC medication while at school.
  3. Medication Storage: OTC medications must be stored in their original containers and kept in a secure location, such as the school nurse's office. 
  4. Emergency Situations: In emergency situations, our school staff will have access to essential OTC medications to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.

Vision / Hearing Screenings

The early detection and treatment of vision/hearing disorders will give your child a better opportunity to develop educationally, socially, and emotionally. The school screening is not an eye/ear examination, does not take the place of an examination, and will not detect all potential problems or diseases. If you feel that your child may have a vision/hearing problem, you should make an appointment with a physician regardless of the school’s screening results. The school screening is only meant to aid in the detection of general vision and hearing problems. 

All Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th & 11th grade students will receive a vision screening.  If your child does not pass the screening, a referral letter will be sent home. Please make an appointment with an optometrist and take the referral letter with you. The optometrist should complete the eye report and it should be returned to school.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s results or need financial assistance in obtaining an eye exam/glasses, please contact us.

All Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th & 11th grade students will receive a hearing screening. If your child does not pass the hearing screening, a second screening will be done in 4-6 weeks per the Ohio Department of Health guidelines. A referral letter will be sent home if your child fails the second screening. Please make an appointment with an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist and take the referral letter with you. The physician should complete the hearing report and it should be returned to school.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s results, please contact us.

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment

Healthchek is Ohio’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program. It is a service package for babies, kids, and young adults younger than age 21 who are enrolled on Ohio Medicaid. More information can be found by visiting