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Parochial School Information

Parochial Transportation Request Form 

If your student needs transportation to one of the following schools or you would like to change the pick up and/or drop off address for your student, please complete this form.  The changes will be processed within 3 business days and the new information will be available on the My Ride K12 app. 

  • Lebanon Christian
  • St. Francis
  • Middletown Christian
  • Bishop Fenwick
  • John 23
  • Summit Academy
  • Lebanon United Methodist (LUMP)
  • Al Bayan Academy High School

Parochial Transportation Request for Days that Lebanon is NOT in Session

If your student will require a bus on the days that Lebanon is not in session, please complete the  transportation request in the following link:

Students will only be routed on these routes if it is requested through this form. On these days, the bus will run on a different schedule and the pick up and drop off times will be different then the days they ride with the Lebanon Students. The first day that this will occur is on Friday, September 27th.  If your student needs busing for that day, this form needs to be completed by Tuesday, September 17th

We will communicate the modified pick up and drop off times with your student's school building. It will NOT appear on the My Ride K12 app. 

These days will occur several times throughout the school year.  The following dates are the days that Lebanon will not be in Session and modified routes will be running: 

Friday, September 27th                     Friday, October 18th

Monday, October 21st                        Monday, November 25th

Tuesday, November 26th                    Monday, January 6th

Friday, February 14th                        Friday, March 14th

3/24 - 3/28 Spring Break                  Monday, April 21st

Transportation Request/Payment in-lieu-of Form

By completing this form, you are requesting transportation and accepting or rejecting payment in-lieu-of transportation for the 2024/2025 school year. This form must be completed by 9/1/24 in order to receive payment in-lieu-of for the 2024 -2025 school year.  Once the school year ends, verification of enrollment and residency will occur and then payment will be mailed in the month of July 2025. Requests made after 9/1/24 may result in a pro-rated payment based on the date of the request.

If you are requesting transportation and accepting/rejecting payment in-lieu-of for the following schools:

  • Cincinnati Dayton Academy
  • Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy
  • Dayton Christian
  • Bishop Leibold
  • Montessori Academy
  • Royalmont Academy
  • Spring Valley Academy
  • St. Margaret of York
  • St. Susanna
  • Ursuline Academy
  • Incarnation - Centerville
  • Mother Theresa
  • Moeller

You MUST complete this request form every year to receive payment In-Lieu-of.  After verification of enrollment and residency at the end of the school year, payment will be mailed in July of 2025. If the request is made after 9/1/24, the payment may be pro-rated.