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Student Wellness and Success Funds & Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Plan

During the 2022-2023 school year, many schools had three separate funding streams available to provide student wellness activities: (1) Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid, (2) Base Cost Student Wellness and Success Funds, and (3) remaining Student Wellness and Success Funds from fiscal years 2020 and 2021.

Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA)(formerly known as Economically Disadvantaged funding)

Funding is based on economically disadvantaged student enrollments. This type of weighted student funding ensures that more dollars are available to help children who typically need more support, whether that’s tutoring, summer school, or non-academic services. The extra dollars also support schools that may need to offer higher salaries to attract and retain talented educators who are willing to work in tougher environments.

1. Attendance Services through the Warren County ESC $44,400

WCESC coordinates a county-wide student attendance policy as a joint venture between juvenile court staff and school district staff. Attendance officers from WCESC assist school districts with student residency issues and enforcement of Ohio’s compulsory attendance laws and the school district’s policy for student attendance. Lebanon is assigned an attendance officer shared between Kings and Little Miami. 


2. Part of the cost of Collaborative Behavior Coaching through the Warren County ESC $11,000 

Lebanon contracts with the Warren County ESC to offer collaborative behavior coaching throughout the district. The Collaborative Behavior Coaching team consists of:

  • One Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) 3 days/weekly supervises and directs Behavior Interventionists, manages caseloads/referrals throughout the district, collaborates with staff, prioritizes and distributes referrals, and provides oversight to all behavior supports across the district.

  • Three Behavior Interventionists provide support, monitoring, and training using behavior management techniques, intervention strategies, coping skills, and problem-solving for students with behavioral challenges. They address referrals, gather observations for behavior plans under the direction of BCBA, collect behavior data, provide social skills & PBIS Instruction, provide teacher consultation, provide support, monitoring, and training using behavior management strategies, and model instructional practices.

  • The Collaborative Behavior Coaching team provides direct support for select students assigned by case managers or principals to assist with transitions, incentives, breaks, etc, or serve as a 1:1 aide for select students.

Student Wellness and Success Funds

Student Wellness and Success Funds afford schools the opportunity to offer mental and physical health care services, mentoring, social support services for vulnerable youth, and after-school activities. Lebanon uses Student Wellness and Success Funds for the following expenses:

  1. Resource Coordinator through the Warren County ESC (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant initiative provided by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services funds portion; Remaining cost to Lebanon $19,000) 

Children’s personal and family difficulties affect their social and academic performance at school. To help at these difficult times, the school’s Resource Coordinator can assist students in becoming more successful in school and help parents learn more about resources that may help their child and family.

Resource Coordinators can assist with:

  1. Improving attendance

  2. Helping families and schools work together through difficult times

  3. Helping families find community resources that will promote family stability and help a child be more successful in school

  4. Encouraging families to increase participation in their child’s academic life

  5. Resource Coordinator’s services include:

  6. Visiting with a family at home

  7. Meeting with a student at school

  8. Accompanying a family in obtaining a needed resource when helpful

  9. Advocating for student/family needs

  10. Researching what services may be available to assist a family and child


  1. Wellness Center through the Warren County ESC $400,000

The Wellness Center provides programming for students in grades K-12 that provides evidence-based interventions and mental health counseling to support students in their social-emotional growth and personal well-being. The program provides an instruction space for students that is individualized based on mental health and social-emotional learning needs. The ratio in this instructional space is  1 educational staff to 2 students. Students are engaged in academic instruction for 20% of the school day, social-emotional instruction for 40% of the school day, and mental health services and support for 40% of the school day. Lebanon currently has 8 students attending the Wellness Center. 


  1. Health Supplies (as needed) 

Many of the original trauma bags ordered in April 2014 for buildings were outdated. Lots of items were expired and needed to be replaced. This year, the district ordered 15 trauma kits from School Health (2-3 in each building, 1 for Central Office, 1 for Athletics). The contents of the trauma kit are described here.