LHS ACT Testing Day
For the fourth year in a row, the State of Ohio is paying for all members of the 11th grade class to take the ACT one time. School districts had specific dates to choose from as to when to give this opportunity to their students. Lebanon High School will be administering this test on Tuesday, February 25th, 2020.
Giving this test to over 450 students provided many logistical concerns for us to address. In an attempt to provide the best testing environment possible for our students and to meet the processes and protocols set forth by ACT, only 11th grade students will be in attendance on February 25th.
On this day, all 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students who attend LHS will stay home and not have to attend that day. However, their teachers will be giving them assignments/tasks to complete for the following day. 12th grade students who attend the WCCC will attend the Career Center on this day. 11th grade students who attend LHS and the WCCC will report to the high school that day to take the ACT. Students will be on one of three testing schedules depending on whether they will receive standard testing time, 50% extended time according to their IEP/504 accommodations, or 100% extended time according to their IEP/504 accommodations.
In the week or two before the test, Mr. Wood will be meeting with students to complete pre-test information on their answer documents and reviewing specific logistical details that will include testing rooms, approved calculators, dismissal procedures, lunch options, and time schedules. Students DO NOT register themselves on-line for this testing session. For planning purposes, LHS students will report to school at the regular time however they typically arrive. WCCC students who drive to school may drive to LHS that day and bus riders will be dropped off at LHS by their bus driver on that day.
Dismissal times are approximate times only as the ACT has very specific time rules and the start and stop times will be determined by the exact minute in which each individual testing room begins. Standard testing time students will be done at approximately 11:25 am. 50% extended time students will be done at approximately 1:15 pm. 100% extended time students will be done at approximately 2:30 pm. Again, more detailed information will be provided in the small group pre-registration student meetings.