How Lebanon is Spending COVID Relief Funds
School districts have received funding streams to support their response to the pandemic. Lebanon City Schools will receive a total of $6.6 million in funding from state and federal sources in the next two years. To date, $1.7 million has been spent and another $4.9 million is budgeted to be spent in the next two years. Funds are budgeted and must be approved by the state, prior to spending.
Lebanon will spend COVID relief funds in the following categories:
- Curriculum and Instruction - $628,806.97 - includes purchasing:
- expanded credit recovery options at Lebanon High School for students who did not have required credits needed for graduation due to the pandemic
- assessment tools to monitor student progress
- Safety and Cleaning - $638,842.59 - includes purchasing:
- hand sanitizers
- water filling stations
- safety shields
- cleaning supplies
- face masks
- plexiglass barriers
- supplies for school nurses
- contracted cleaning services during the 2020/2021 school year
- Technology - $1,972,195.21 - includes purchasing:
- Virtual Learning Academy program
- Chromebooks and hotspots
- other learning software and programs
- Personnel - $1,419,034.91 - includes purchasing:
- Intervention support staff added across district at all grade levels
- 8 additional certificated positions added:
- Bowman - 2 teachers
- Donovan - 1 teacher
- Berry - 2 teachers
- Junior High - 1 teacher
- High School - 1 teacher and 1 tutor
- Building Improvements - $1,921,078.89 - includes purchasing:
- HVAC repairs at Lebanon High School and Bowman Intermediate - these are scheduled to occur in the fall of 2022.
- HVAC repairs at Lebanon High School and Bowman Intermediate - these are scheduled to occur in the fall of 2022.
- Other Purchases - $26,198.78 - includes purchasing:
- Covering EZPay fees - when paying fees online, families incur a fee to use a credit card. The district used ESSR funds in 2020 to pay for those fees.