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Early College IT Program

We offer a pathway of classes which enables students to be admitted to the University of Cincinnati's Information Technology program upon graduation. 

Students who earn a C or above in the 9 courses below prior to graduation high school receive automatic admission to the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree program at the University of Cincinnati. Students choose one of these technical areas to pursue: Cybersecurity, Software Application Development, Networking/Systems, Game Development & Simulation, or Data Technologies)

These students are also eligible to complete their first paid co-op in the summer after high school.

What is IT? Check out this video from UC.

Check out this flyer. 

Required classes to complete the first year of the University of Cincinnati's IT Program while at LHS:

  1. IT 1050 Fundamentals of IT
  2. IT 1080 Computer Networking
  3. IT 1090C Computer Programming I
  4. IT 1081C System Administration
  5. IT 2040C Fundamentals of Web Development
  6. IT 2060C Database Management I
  7. ENGL 1001 English Composition
  8. MATH 1021 College Algebra or MATH 1026 Precalculus
  9. COMM 1076 Intro to Interpersonal Communication or History/Social Sciences/Fine Art

Program Partners:

  • Lebanon City Schools

  • Sinclair Community College

  • The University of Cincinnati

Mrs. Marla Norman is our information technology teacher.  Click to send her an email.