Blog Entries - May 2020
Change to Pickup Procedures
Due to the anticipated heavy rains, we have modified our pickup plan for Lebanon Junior High School. When you arrive at your assigned time at the front of the school, a staff member will motion for your student to get out of the car and come to
Blog Entry Synopsis EndEmail to Parents from 5/10/2020
LJHS END OF YEAR MATERIAL PICKUP/DROP OFF (Sent as an email on 5/11/2020) Students may have items that were left at school and items that need to be returned to school. To safely facilitate this happening, we have set up a form for you to schedule
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLJHS Remote Learning Assignments- 5/11/2020
Good Morning, Below are links to the final set of remote learning grids for the fourth quarter! 7th Grade Remote Learning- Week of May 11 8th Grade Remote Learning- Week of May 11 During the week of May 18th, students will be completing
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLJHS Distance Learning Assignments- Week of 5/4/2020
Good Morning LJHS Students and Parents, I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather on Saturday. Below are the assignment grids for the week of May 4th. 7th Grade- Week of May 4th 8th Grade- Week of May 4th Have
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