Blog Entries - August 2020
Update from LJHS 8.31.2020
Good Afternoon,We hope everyone had a great weekend. Here are two reminders from LJHS. Picture Day- Picture day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st. Information was sent home with students last week and is available on our
Blog Entry Synopsis EndUpdate from LJHS- 8.26.2020
Good Evening,Let me begin by saying that our LJHS students have been AMAZING to work with these first few days. They are following our face covering policy, distancing rules, and adjusting to the new classroom structures and procedures. Our
Blog Entry Synopsis EndDay 2 Update from LJHS
Good Evening, I wanted to take a minute to thank you and your student for a wonderful first two days of school. Our students have been great to work with and they have been prepared each day. They are cooperative, resilient, and understand the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndReminder Email To Parents
Email sent to LJHS Parents on 8.16.2020 Good Morning LJHS Parents! As we get ready to open for the 2020-21 school year, we wanted to provide you with a few important reminders to start the year. Make A Health Assessment Part Of The Daily Routine- The
Blog Entry Synopsis EndWelcome To LJHS Letter 2020-2021
Dear Parents/Guardians: As we make plans for the opening of the 2020-21 school year, I wanted to take some time to welcome you to Lebanon Junior High School and share some important information with you. We are excited to have your student returning to
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