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Email Update- October 31, 2017

Posted on: November 1, 2017
Message From The Superintendent-  
We hope that the start of the 2017-18 school year has been a great experience for you and your child(ren). Our staff worked hard over the summer months and during the first quarter to provide quality learning experiences for our students.

We believe in continuous improvement for all. Professional development for our teachers, administrators, and support staff is an important part of our success. It makes us better teachers, and in turn, makes our students better. In the past, we have scheduled one day per school year for professional development. That day this year was October 16. It was a productive day with our staff attending a variety of workshops, seminars, etc. designed to improve teaching.

In addition to October 16, our district has planned full-day professional development on:

Monday, January 29, 2018

Friday, March 23, 2018

Teachers will be preparing learning assignments for students to complete on these two days. There will be an expectation that the assignments are completed outside of school. Like in October, students will not report on these days. All staff will be here participating in professional learning opportunities. The district selected a Monday and Friday so that parents would have the opportunity for three-day weekends with their children.

We hope you support our desire to help teachers become better. I look forward to the innovative assignments that teachers will be designing for our students. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.


Parent Literacy Night-  
LJHS Parent Literacy Night
November 15, 2017
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Multi-Purpose Room(2nd floor)

Come share in a literacy experience with other parents to learn strategies that will help your learner grow as a reader, writer, thinker, problem solver and listener.  

What it is:

An interactive parent/teacher experience

An opportunity to experience literacy strategies in all content areas

An opportunity to learn like your student

An opportunity to gain knowledge to help your student at home

An opportunity to become a part of the learning community at LJHS

What it is not:

An opportunity for students to be re-taught literacy concepts

An opportunity to talk with teachers about your student

A lecture experience

A time to sit and listen and not interact

An opportunity to express concerns about your child

Please RSVP at the following link:

Contact Andrew King with questions:

Career Center Field Trip-

On Tuesday, November 21st, from 11:30-1:15 pm, eighth grade students will visit the Warren County Career Center.  This is an important event for all LJHS 8th grade students.  As a junior at LHS, your child will be eligible to attend the Career Center if grades and credits are sufficient.  We feel it is important for all students to make educated choices and this tour will demonstrate to students the opportunities the Career Center offers. The Career Center will be providing our students transportation with Career Center buses and will return by the end of the school day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either guidance counselor:  Andrew King, at 934-5308 or Jessica Bacher, at 934-5307. Here is a link to the permission slip.

Accelerated Course Criteria Reminder- 7th Gr. Parents
Here is a link to a document shared earlier this year with students and parents outlining the criteria used to determine placement in accelerated classes. Now that the first quarter is complete, you can use this information to help determine if your student is on track for placement in accelerated courses.