LJHS Assignment Grid for Week of April 6, 2020
Good Morning LJHS Parents and Students,
Today begins our second of several "work from home/distance learning" weeks. Below are links to the assignment grids for the Week of April 6, 2020. The grids provide a description of the work students are expected to complete for each class this week. There is approximately 90 minutes of work for each core content class (Science, Math, ELA and History) as well as Health and World Language Courses. Elective coursework is outlined at the bottom of each document. The elective coursework is recommended learning for the first two week as we adjust to the distance learning model. Beginning next week, April 13th, elective coursework will also be required work.
- If the required work is taking students more than 90 minutes during the WEEK to complete, please have your student contact the teacher. The teacher will be able to assist the student get through the assignment in a timely manner.
- If you do not have a device at home that can be used by your student, please complete this form. The link shares information about who will qualify for a device and how to pick up the devices.
- Below is a resource called a virtual MindPeace Room. MindPeace Rooms™ are usually physical spaces available in a school to allow for students to decompress and practice social-emotional and resiliency skills. While these spaces are unavailable during this time, MindPeace wants to make sure that you and your family have resources available to promote this type of learning. Please take a look, you might find the resources are helpful to your student. Click Here to Access the Virtual MindPeace Rooms
Food pick-ups will continue weekly on Tuesdays from 4 - 5:30 pm at Berry Intermediate School and on Fridays from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm at Countryside YMCA. The food is designated for those students and families in need. Thank you to all of our volunteers, Joshua’s Place and all individuals and organizations who continue to make donations.
School Personnel-
Principal- Brian Dalton dalton.brian@lebanonschools.
Asst. Principal- Alex Brunk brunk.alex@lebanonschools.org
Athletic Director- Heidi Calvert calvert.heidi@lebanonschools.
Counselor A-K- Jessica Bacher bacher.jessica@lebanonschools.
Counselor L-Z Leslie Marsh marsh.leslie@lebanonschools.
School Nurse- Jenny Flaig flaig.jenny@lebanonschools.org
School Secretary- Andie Chamberlain chamberlain.andie@
School Secretary- Patty Bugher bugher.patty@lebanonschools.