LJHS Remote Learning Assignments- 4/27/2020
Good Morning LJHS Students and Parents,
Today begins our fifth week of remote learning. As outlined in the email on Friday, April 17th, students will complete work for the following classes this week.
Core- Math, History, Health
Electives- Robotics and Art
Band /Choir/Orchestra- Students can complete during week 1, week 2, or divided over the two weeks .
The assignment grids linked below outline the coursework students need to complete for these classes.
7th Grade Assignment Grid- Week of 4/27
8th Grade Assignment Grid- Week of 4/27
As always, if your student spends more than the allotted time per week on any one class (approx. 2.5 hours per class per week), please contact the teacher. If your student completes the work quickly and you believe they would benefit from additional work, contact the teacher. Our goal is to create learning opportunities that adhere to our time expectations. If that is not happening, we need to hear from you and/or your student.
Below are a couple of additional announcements for this week:
Student Registration Begins- We are now scheduling registration appointments for Kindergarten students and new students in all grades who will be attending Lebanon City Schools in the fall. To protect the health and safety of our visitors and employees we have incorporated social distancing practices into our registration process. For more information about the Registration process and how to make an appointment, visit the Registration section of lebanonschools.org or call (513) 934-5762. We are asking that families register by the end of May so that we can plan our staff and school needs for next year. If you know of someone who has a student of any age that will begin attending Lebanon City Schools for the first time next year, please pass this information along to them.
Access to the Building- As was stated in a previous email, we will be working on a plan to get students access to the materials they may still have at school in a classroom or in their locker. Please be patient as we are waiting to build our plan based on the changes to the restrictions the governor announces. We do not anticipate access to the building being permitted until sometime in May.
Issues with Technology- If your student is having issues with a school issued device, please email helpdesk@lebanonschools.org to get assistance.
School Personnel-
Principal- Brian Dalton dalton.brian@lebanonschools.
Asst. Principal- Alex Brunk brunk.alex@lebanonschools.org
Athletic Director- Heidi Calvert calvert.heidi@lebanonschools.
Counselor A-K- Jessica Bacher bacher.jessica@lebanonschools.
Counselor L-Z Leslie Marsh marsh.leslie@lebanonschools.
School Nurse- Jenny Flaig flaig.jenny@lebanonschools.org
School Secretary- Andie Chamberlain chamberlain.andie@
School Secretary- Patty Bugher bugher.patty@lebanonschools.