General Information and Guidance Documents
Career Education at LJHS
Careers Course for 7th Graders-
This required semester course for all 7th grade students will explore many topics related to careers and career exploration, including self-assessment of interests, education, career pathways, and other important topics. This course will integrate technology on a regular basis to utilize the multitude of online resources available as well as develop the keyboarding skills needed to successfully navigate a variety of devices and applications.
Career Day
In addition, both 7th and 8th grade students will experience Career Day at LJHS on October 11, 2019. 30+ community members and parents share their expertise during a half day as students rotate through various classrooms. Each speaker will highlight their career during that time.
Want to share your career with us? Email Ms. Bacher at bacher.jessica@lebanonschools.
Help for new students
Students who are new to our building will be greeted by their school counselor and toured through LJHS by a Student Ambassador on their first day in our building. Ambassadors will help students navigate their schedule, answer questions, and help them get into their locker. Ms. Marsh and Ms. Bacher are here to help any student who is struggling with adjusting to our building or has questions, whether it be logistically or otherwise.