Blog Entries - September 2020
Week 5 update
Good afternoon, I know many of you have experienced issues with VLA this week. They are working to prevent these outages and kick-offs. I don't think it's fair to hold students accountable for working in a system that isn't accessible as much as
Blog Entry Synopsis EndAttendance update 9/10
Good afternoon, I want to apologize again for the mix up with communication about attendance yesterday. We corrected the calculation errors last night. Today's important items: Instead of finalizing week 2 and week 3 attendance on Friday, we
Blog Entry Synopsis Endattendance update emails
Attendance update for Week 2 (August 24-August 30) [The week 3 update is below.] Your student did not log 25 total hours during August 24-August 30 (or 12.5 for Kindergarten students). Here is the document that explains attendance hours, and here is
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Good afternoon, I wanted to send a few reminders out as we wrap up week 3: 1- Logging offline hours is important. We're required to enter missing hours as unexcused absences. We have a webpage with lots of information about this here. For
Blog Entry Synopsis EndImmersive Reader
Use Immersive Reader to help students listen to text on a screen, or translate text on a screen.
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