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Michael Gliatti Sworn in as New Board Member

Posted on: June 18, 2024
Michael Gliatti


Michael Gliatti has been sworn in as Lebanon City School District's newest Board of Education member. Mike was chosen from a pool of applicants to fill exiting Board Member Michelle's Berry's seat. 

Mike is the President and CEO of Express Delivery Services, a shipping and logistics company based out of Lebanon. The Gliatti family has lived in the Lebanon school district for 22 years and have been engaged and serving in the local community and schools during that time. Mike and his wife Mindi are the proud parents of a 2023 Lebanon High School graduate and their second child will graduate in 2028. Mike has served the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce since 2016 as a member of the Board of Directors, Vice President, and recently completed multiple terms as the President. 

The family has been involved in the Lebanon Athletic Boosters, and Mike is a community member of the district's Legacy Project committee, which seeks to raise funds for outdoor athletic facility improvements. In 2023 Mike joined the district's Community Audit Advisory Committee (CAAC) and in that role advised the Treasurer and Board on financial matters.

Mike has also served as a Steering Committee Member of the Warren County Safety Council and is on the Board of Directors for Residential Group Homes, Inc. 

"Mike Gliatti is a local business owner who understands the importance of the role of the school board," said Michael Lane, Board President. "Mike has been a member of the CAAC, so he has a good understanding of the district's finances. He has also volunteered countless hours within our schools." 

During the application process Mike stated his reason for running for the Board of Education was to "further support our students, faculty, staff, and community through providing sound leadership and decision making." He also believed his extensive "background includes experience as a professional manager in higher education, large publicly held companies, and for my own businesses” will be assets to the Board. “Through collaboration, teamwork, and community each and every organization I've managed achieved high levels of success." 

After his oath of office, Mike gave the following statement: "I want to thank the Board for your consideration and I am honored to serve with you. I am excited to work for positive outcomes for our students, staff, faculty, and our community. I love our schools, and I love our town and I really look forward to helping any way I can. I am very committed to do so."