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English Learners/Multilingual Learners

Welcome to Lebanon City Schools! ¡Bienvenidos a las escuelas del distrito escolar de la ciudad de Lebanon! Bienvenue dans les écoles de la ville de Lebanon! 欢迎来到黎巴嫩城市学校!

Mission Statement

We provide high-quality instruction in the English language, as well as appropriate modifications and accommodations in the mainstream classroom, so that English Learners may develop the language skills necessary to successfully achieve academically and socially in the United States.

General Information

The district follows state and federal guidelines in screening, classifying, servicing, testing, monitoring, and exiting students whose primary or home language is a language other than English.

ODE’s Home Language Usage Survey is used to determine potential eligibility at enrollment.

Purpose of ESOL Program

ESOL services are designed to help English Learners attain English language proficiency as quickly as possible so that they can participate effectively in classrooms in which English is the language of instruction. English Learners in the program will also learn to navigate the cultural and social expectations of the educational system in the United States of America. The goals of the ESOL program are:

  • To identify all students in the district whose home or native language is not English

  • To assess any potential ESOL student in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to determine the need for ESOL services to effectively participate in the district’s educational program

  • To provide effective instruction through ESOL services so that students are able to fully participate in the district’s educational program

The goals for each student receiving ESOL services, as put forth in the English Language Proficiency Standards, are included in their language plans and vary in depth and breadth according to their proficiency levels.

Each year ESOL students take the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA).  

Click here for a listing of organizations that focus on helping families who are new to Ohio and speak languages other than English.

ESOL Specialists

Beth McGarry, Kindergarten ESOL Specialist at Bowman Primary

Amy Paul, ESOL Specialist at Bowman Primary

Kelly Cummings, ESOL Specialist at Berry Intermediate

Faith Elleman, ESOL Specialist at Donovan Elementary

Alfredo Umali, ESOL Specialist at Lebanon Junior High

Jigisha Nayak, ESOL Specialist at Lebanon High School

Shelly (Michelle) Leever, ESOL Specialist at Lebanon High School 


Click here to access the Title III/ESOL handbook.

Click here to access the New student information packet - designed for families of newly-enrolled English Learners in Lebanon City Schools (Haz clic aquí para descargar el paquete en español.)



Family Roadmaps

Click on the following links to download the "Family Roadmap" PDF from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce:


To register your student at Lebanon City Schools, you will need to complete the online application and make a registration appointment for document verification. Click here for more details.