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Student Survey

Student Survey Scheduled for week of March 17, 2025
Students in grades 3-12 will participate in two short student surveys during the week of March 17, 2025.  The surveys take about 20 minutes to administer.  The surveys help district staff members get a better understanding about how students feel about their school experiences and their own skills.

FALL SURVEYS- Click below to preview the survey questions.
Grades 3-5 survey 1       Grades 3-5 survey 2
Grades 6-12 survey 1      Grades 6-12 survey 2

SPRING SURVEYS- Click below to preview survey questions
Grades 3-5 survey 1     Grades 3-5 survey 2
Grades 6-12 survey 1     Grades 6-12 survey 2

If a student was opted out in a previous school year, that student is still opted out and will not take the survey.  There is no need to resubmit the form.  For new opt-out requests, this is the google form to use.